
Tags Collection

Two words: summer vacation! Something every teacher deserves to, and should, enjoy.


from Hong Kong

Just stepped out the door after deciding not to shoot in the bedroom any more, and Dad’s plants just came into view. Perfect.


The go-to for undergarments

the requisite Forever 21 tag

the requisite Forever 21 tag

because everyone needs a little Lycra in life

because everyone needs a little Lycra in life

Cotton On

Cotton On

This is definitely a keeper. Love the lomo feel of it, and that it’s actually a sturdy card!


Tags Collection

Starting with one of the millions (okay, not really :D) of this brand that I have: Forever 21. (How ironic is it that, now that I’m 21, it’s the time I actually feel like I want to forever stay this age?)

Forever 21

Forever 21


Adidas Originals



This was the time when I bought so much polish, the seller actually used Orly boxes like this to send them to me. 😀





Truth be told, I don’t even know this brand: they just had some cute accessories. 😀


Tags Collection

Care for a J.Co donut? 🙂

Something different I thought up to do for the blog…

Many people have collections of their own – from the obvious stamps etc. to the kooky ones, I admire how people have a collection, take care of it, and stick to it. For a while, I desperately wanted my own, too, and looked to see what “items” I could build a collection on. This is where the story gets interesting – I naturally gave up on the idea (that’s the laziness and procrastination in me heehee) and forgot about it. However, what I would keep from purchases, especially fashion purchases, and gifts from other people were the tags and labels. To me, not only were they a reminder that I’d bought something (harhar), but being a visual person, seeing them would help me remember those items and the stories behind them.

So that was how this tag collection naturally happened! Very natural, so I didn’t have a hard time “maintaining” it or adding to it. Though I must say, space is running pretty low… so I decided to photograph batches of them from time to time and put them here as well.

Uniqlo – Corporate Collaboration

Uniqlo – Corporate Collaboration

Orly – Bonder, Sunscreen for Nails

Maki (a tank top, gift from roommate, from Madagascar)

H&M (one of the many) – earrings

And just a teaser for the next post, about somewhere I’d already posted about: