Tag Archive | walking around

February at Thailand – The Neighborhood

DSC_2282We lived in a friend’s house in Pathum Thani, Thailand. (No, not the one pictured above, that’s a Thai official’s sprawling house LOL.) It’s a nice and cozy place to live in, and we couldn’t be more thankful for the hospitality and accommodation of the G family. Thank you so much. 🙂

The atmosphere of the neighborhood is kinda like living in the Philippine province – quiet and mostly serene, with people just going on with their daily lives. Pathum Thani is just an hour or less away from Bangkok, but the difference couldn’t be more pronounced.

DSC_2274DSC_2275We were literally gaping in awe through the gates of the Thai official’s home. Sprawling gardens, big mansions, even a fountain! My Thai classmate said that officials’ homes are really that big here. Hope they don’t get that from corruption LOL.

DSC_2292DSC_2284from China tank & necklace, Etam cardigan, Bershka leggings, Tkees sandals

DSC_2291DSC_2272DSC_2293Once we rested well from our flight and had a hearty breakfast, off we were to explore the neighborhood!

DSC_2294DSC_2296DSC_2298The one great thing about Thailand, as I mentioned in the previous post, is that you get such a feeling of safety when you walk around. In the Philippines, even if it’s just in the province (how much more Manila and the other cities), you gotta be on your toes all the time and be careful with your bag and stuff. Here, snatchers are virtually unknown – at least that’s what our friend and the locals told us. People don’t steal because aside from a hefty penalty (time at the worst jail in the world!), they actually have enough to live on, so there’s no motivation to steal or do whatever. The first few days were weird for me, but I soon learned that it was okay to leave my bag hanging untouched, and that I can walk in alleys and stuff with no fear. How liberating was that? It’s enough for me to love Thailand all the more!

DSC_2299DSC_2307A lot of their house’s gates have this wheel mechanism, so that instead of a person opening the gate, they open by machine control. Oooh gotta copy this 😀

DSC_2300DSC_2305Ano daw? LOL

 DSC_2304Ending this post with some of the best noodles I’ve ever had in my life – seriously, why did my Thai classmates never make this during our whole 4 years in China?! It’s amazing! Egg noodles with meat, parsley and the works, and this special soup that tastes a lot like the bah kut teh of Malaysia. It was spicy, yes, but I LOVE IT. On this thought, I might just go out and get one last bowl right now before we leave for our flight later. Yup, it’s time to leave the land of smiles. 😦
